Buying ice cream from the ice cream man is such a waste of money, right? We are constantly filling Jack's sweet head with talk about "good values." Oh blah! Here is a picture of Jack having a highly sweetened, expensive treat right before dinner. Oh yeah, and he is using his scissors too! Breaking all the rules! This is why every kid wants to be a grown up right? :)

He looks so sweet, you would never guess how he grunts and passes gas.

If you don't think he looks like a Howell, don't tell me. I'm still crossing my fingers!
The pinata was a little late due to our lovely June thunderstorms.
Hailey-you are such a super mommy! Don't worry, I win the "mother of the year" award on a daily basis -hah! I fully support treats before dinner. What's the point of living, right!
Hey, Jack, was that dinosaur chasing you? Did you ever get it open? That looked like so much fun I think we should do it again during the family reunion!
that piƱata looked like it was half dino half fish, yet sounded like a lowland gorilla.
Where was Steve when I needed him today at Lydia's party?! What cool sounds our horse could've made!
I am SOOOOO excited to be there soon. I can't wait to be on that front lawn again - is that silly or what?
I think that your little g man looks like grace in that picture of him in the car seat. He's definitely got howell in him.
I can't believe how much fun you have at your house! I'm not even going to show this to my kids or they'll want to move in with you immediately. What cute boys you have!
ok i was going to say he looks like you. Am i wrong?
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