Being the beautiful mother that I am, I decided last week that Jack needed to go somewhere special. The Naperville Children's Museum is ridiculously expensive. They charge children in utero. Friday is my day off and I usually like to start it with one of my favorite gym classes, but last Friday I generously set it aside and loaded the kids up. I asked Jack where he wanted to go (as I drove to the museum). He didn't surprise me with a request for the pirate ship at the children's museum. I explained that it was very expensive and then asked him where else he would like to go. He sighed and then miraculously we pulled into the Children's Museum and had a wonderful adventure!
p.s. After my selfless gift, I took the kids to Target and locked my keys in the car. The day just got better when Jack got to meet a police officer and watch him break into our car! This is one of the keys to being the best mom, I'm pretty sure.
p.s.s. Okay so penguin's don't fly,but wasn't it a good story????