Unos pocos dias antes de la Navidad encontré este ejemplar de lichen en el bosque. Inmediatement pensé en mi cuate Stevenito, el great sword fighter. Quería llevar me ejemplar a Spokane para mostrareselo a Stevenito, el great sword fighter. Pero, en me ansiedad de salir antes de un tormente tremende, se me olvidó. Parece piel de monstruo ¿no? Mis hijas tienen miedo a solo verlo. Y ahora la pregunta que todos tenemos, ¿que tipo lichen es?
Y ahora una palabra para Xanthoman. Obviamente, este tipo de "post" no va agradar a su esposa (la cual tiene gustos muy elevantes). Por eso, le invito "delete" este "post" de su blog. Bueno joven, le espero todo la felicidad que la propociona la vida.
Tu siervo,
Bueno amigo mio, soy liquenologo de la Gran Cuenca y por eso mi experiencia identificando especies fuera de esta region es muy limitada. Es decir, soy medio tontito. A pesar de esta limitacion casi estoy seguro que el liquen que tu me ensenas es el infamoso Alfredo Buzzito el bad Bumblebeeto, tambien conocido por Lobaria pulmonaria. Si no es Lobaria pulmonaria estoy seguro que pertenece al mismo gernero Pulmonaria. Me alegre que pienses en me cuando ves liquenes y para que sepas, este tipo de 'post' es del gusto mas elevada y lo que queremos por nuestro blog.
?Una fiesta?
Que bien.
Okay I just felt left out. I remember some other useful Spanish phrases from high school.
I'm right there with you Hailey. Derek talks in Spanish all the time and I mostly don't understand anymore. Isn't it a little freaky that he can post lichens on your blog for Steve and then write in a secret language? Talk about secret combinations! We've got to keep on eye on these two...
¿Sabes que podés "cliquear" en la foto para ver el liquen más amplificado? Gracias por enseñarme la palabra por "lichen" en español.
Y gracias por la paciencia, tu siervo, D-Roca.
And I forgot to tell you that the girls saw the creepy branch on the lawn and wondered what it was. They thought it looked like half a dragon and had me investigate. I went out to see it in my socks and determined it might have been a bees nest at some point and that we'd have to ask Dad. Despite my confirmations that it couldn't possibly be any portion of a dragon, they wouldn't look at it and refused to use the front door so as not to get too close to the freaky thing.
By the way, are there any poisonous lichens? Would this be one of them? The size and texture of it are kind of creepy.
Note the time that Rachael and I were posting on your blog. That's right, synchronized posting!
Frankly lichenologists are a boring bunch (except for when they get a little tipsy and they transform into quite a gregarious bunch). By the power hereby vested in me as a doctoral candidate at BYU I formally change the name of this lichen to 'pedazo de piel del dragon'. Done. Hailey says it is the freakiest, nastiest lichen she has ever seen and would love to rest her head a bough of 'pedazo de peil del dragon'.
I was hoping that the spanish word for lichen was much more exciting than "lichen." Another reason not to learn spanish.
You're not bitter are you? That's the beauty of the language. Add "o" or "a" and you're in business. What could be more practical?
Just to clarify, it's "liquen."
Xanthoman, your naming ceremony brought tears to my eyes. That was beautiful.
That was Taylor who posted, but I couldn't agree more. Spanish is dull and easy. Russian is much more sophisticated and a much richer language, for example, the Russian word for lichen is лишайник. And for those of you who can only read one alphabet, the word is pronounced: lee/shy/neek
ew. we live in America and should not be posting in Spanish. (that was to get steve all riled up).
Lee/shy/neek . . . that IS beautiful.
Please accept my apologies Taylor.
Lee/shy/neek, lichen, lichen. I think the transcending beauty is not in the language by in the organism. Lichen, lichen, LICHEN! Lee/shy/neek, liquen, LICHEN! Liquenes, lichens, Lee/shy/neeks!
I want it to be a song. An ode to the majesty of the creation.
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