Poem 1

Lichen Cartoon
I offered my students a chance to win " A guide to common lichens of the Rocky Mountains" and other prizes. Of the 25 students I picked the best two projects (well, there were only two projects). Please vote on which one is your favorite. Both are great so please help me decide which is the grand prize winner. Thanks.
I like the Cartoon one, can't really read the other one that well. We missed Jack (Max and I) Jack is so adorable I love to hear him talk. James and I always talk about how cute our neighbor boy talks. We tell our family and friends in Idaho.
Definately the cartoon. Though, the rhyme of carbohydrate and ate was my favorite part.
i can't choose. i think they should both win. the poem was incredible and the little cartoon thing was great too.
I agree. They both are pretty good. The cartoon is really fun, but the poem has some clever lines highlighting some of the spotlight moments in lichen history.
I agree. I think I'm a softie. Give them both a prize. please! they are quite creative!
I agree - both deserve a prize, but I'd be willing to bet that the poet spent more time and thought on her project than the cartoonist and for that reason, I am going to place an official vote for the poem. I also like that she included information about lichens.
What a cool teacher you are, Steve! These kids are going to grow up and tell their kids about this crazy lichen class they took at BYU.... :)
I'm voting for the poem! However, I think you should let Hailey decide if there must be a tie-breaker!
I'm with Rachael, the whole time I kept thinking about how much time it must have taken to write that poem. The artist for the cartoon is gifted, but I'm going to bet the poet took more time and effort. Also, I really liked how the poem taught me lots of stuff about lichens. The cartoon, while vaguely entertaining, isn't a teaching tool. The Poem wins. Recognition of some sort should go to the cartoonist though.
Maybe the cartoonist could get 'Miss Congeniality"? It was good, but the poem was great. (and that also rhymes with carbohydrate and ate!)
I don't know if I'm too late for the voting but I like the poem - it was done really well. How I got your blog is a bit of a story so I won't tell it but I'm so glad I found it. Your little Jack is so big now! By the way, thanks again for the highchair. It's been put to good use.
Has anyone read a poem before? A good one? 'Cause this one might be good if you haven't. I'm voting for the cartoon. At least it's a good cartoon. It's well drawn and farcical. Who would believe that a guy would choose a lichen over a pretty girl? I wouldn't.
I don't know if I've read a 'good' poem before, but I think Ammon has a good point. Although I would never choose a lichen over Hailey, I'm sure that she has been upset by my excessive devotion thowards these little symbionts. Thanks to everyone who voted. I didn't really want to blow one's candle out so the other's was brighter and told them they were both winners.
I'd clearly vote for the poem, because it is clever, rhymes, is educational and factual.
By the way I met a man this week that has done lichen studies in the Arctic this week.
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