Bling, bling, what's up with...Steve? Steve is receiving a grant of $5,000 or in other words some sweet lichen-hunting MOO-LAH. He was selected as one of only five (I believe) students to receive this grant and no Derek, there were more than five students who applied. I am relieved because now he can pay me. Oh yeah, everyone knows about Steve, but where would he be without me? I was the one writing down all his data on butt-chilling adventures in the Boulders (a little late in the season) and nursing Jack just about anywhere that just about no one has been. Boo-yah!
The first picture is Steve on a recent hike (Ding and Dang; Slot Canyon).
The second picture is a humble tribute to myself (Boulder Top).
Wow! You could get one heck of a mountain bike with 5,000 bones. Shoot, you could get two excellent mountain bikes with 5,000 bones, but that's probably all.
Congrats. I can't think of a more deserving or dedicated recipient. If I had five grand set aside for hunting lichen, I'd probably give it to you too. . . . As long as you promised to use it on a new bike, or maybe two excellent . . . nevermind.
Congratulations cousin Steve! Those lichens need more grant money. Too bad for Hailey you'll spend it all on them and leave nothing for her. - Kent
Of ALL the Lichen hunters that I know, it wouldn't be a hard decision to choose Steve as the winner
Congrats to Steveinsky for being the best lichen hunter (I bet it's kinda like being Indiana Jones). Props to hailey for being an amazing wife and jack for living through what looks like a super cold trip to the boulders for everybody in the family except steve!
Ding, Dang, walla walla bing bang.....show me the money, show me the money. Poor little lichen, they didn't stand a chance, kept up for awhile...
What was your secret? I am vying for an all expense paid trip to England.
I think that the only person who could get excited about getting $5000 dollars for lichen research is me. DNA isolating kits, PCR reactions, and sequencing. Sounds like fun, right? Also it will pay for a lot of field work. To me they are free vacations into some of the West's premier wilderness areas. However, Hailey's a little more realistic and the trips are more work than fun. Next time I'm applying for the $5000 bike grant.
Maybe I should look into mom grants - $5K to continue the development of my family - mostly in terms of trips to neat places for extensive "research" (zoos, victoria, san juans, etc...).
congrats, Steve! that is exciting news, especially for those lucky lichen! They're about to be discovered!
Do you think being discovered will go to their heads? It happens some times you know. (Do they have heads?)
Will this make you famous too? Hey, since you won, I'll bet you're already famous... or is that infamous like the three amigos?
Congratulations anyway. Will Hailey really make you pay her for her "butt" chilling work? (you know, we don't say "butt") :)
Oh man. I actually debated using "butt". I know we don't say that word. I even feel guilty. No other word seemed to clearly express how chilling our multiple trips to the Boulder top.
I remember Steve asking me to call the ranger station and ask if there was snow on the Boulder top. They would say something informative like, "Huh? Why? I can't see up there?" We kind of started wondering what their job title entailed.
Yah for Steve! You guys definitely deserve it...maybe if you tell them you took Jack every time they'll double the money so he can be paid, too!
maybe you can go collect lichen in hawaii with that money.
Proverbs 21:19
If we Lichen this scripture to our lives - it means if your wife is mad you are supposed to go camping.
I respect you and this story more now that I am a mommy Hailey. Way to stand by your man! I would also like to add that I was also raised in an anti "butt" saying family. I tagged you for a 100 list on my blog (sorry, rules are rules).
So does lichen assisting pay more than teaching? ;)
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