When Jackson was a baby my friend (Katie Horrocks) lent us the cutest playmat. As I have been getting ready for baby #2, I keep thinking about how much I want a playmat. For some reason I want-need-must have the exact same mat. Too bad it sells for $60! That is some kind of conspiracy I'm sure. I found this barely used mat on KSL for $20. So here is another testimonial of KSL. Hooray! Jack is just as excited. He played with it all afternoon. Totally unaware that it wasn't for him. He asked for his pirate blanket and made funny little cooing noises.

Yes, this is my nightstand. I'm sick again...some kind of cruel world this is! Steve makes fun of my medications that only mask the illness and do nothing to cure it. My nightly routine has gone from a drink of water and chapstick to cough drops, blowing my nose, menthol rub, throat spray and then of course the drink of water and chapstick...oh and the hourly getting up to use the bathroom. Can Spring come already? I'm sure I'm getting sick from the kids at school. I use the antibacterial so much that I'm probably immune to it.
you are not the one immune to the antibacterial stuff- it is the bacteria that have become immune! we are creating superbugs with all of our antibacterial overusage!!! I can't believe that steve lets you use it :) sorry that you are so sick. lame-o lame-o. Spring is on its way!!
I was always getting a cold with pregnancy. 4 months of my 2nd pregnancy was solid illness. I was so frustrated about it, I did some research and remember finding something that said when pregnant women get sick, it often sticks around THREE times as long as normal! SO frustrating.
I agree with Leisy, you are probably getting sick because you use that antibacterial stuff! Throw it out! i let Henry suck on the handles of the grocery cart at the grocery store, and I let all the sick kids at church touch him, and he hasn't been sick yet!
Pregnancy sickness is the worst! I hope you get better soon!
First off, great find on the mat! That's the same mat I have- too bad I didn't know sooner, I would have loaned it to you! :-D Sorry you're sick again...ugh. Hopefully you get better soon. Gotta love the list of meds you can't take when pregnant...
It sounds like you must start licking grocery carts to overcome this sickness. Or just start licking the keyboards in your classroom. ;)
Get better soon. Have that baby sooner. That's the best cure of all.
Can you wear a mask at school so the walking germ factories don't contaminate you? I guess it would be hard to teach that way. Hope you feel better soon.
I like the licking the shopping cart idea. YUCKY!!!
Yay! for finding the mat (you really are amazing that way) I think I'll make you a list of all the things I'm looking for :)
Boo! for the nasty sickness! I hope you are feeling better soon. At least spring (if/when it comes) will find you before me :)
I'll have to look into one of those(a playmat, not a cold). sophie's staying awake longer now and I don't knwo what to do with her!
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