Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Valiant Cheerfully Do All They Can in Times of Trouble

Today at church we were talking about those who are valiant during times of difficulty. Several people came to mind, one of which was Julie Andrews and specifically the woman she portrays in 'The Sound of Music'; Maria Von Trapp. I have two thoughts. Julie Andrews really seems like a person who could cheerfully follow Christ through difficult times (right, I don't actually know her...just a good feeling from watching 'The Sound of Music' with Jack so many times). Secondly, I have read a book on Maria Von Trapp and her life and I'm quite certain she was a valiant servant in difficult times.

So I came across this great video and because I am a creature that doesn't know how to handle a great volume of emotion, I just cried and laughed and cried some more. Yes, thankfully Steve was gone and Jack was sleeping (it's amazing that I'm soon to be a mother of another boy with all the silliness inside of me). Next time this song and dance happens, I want to be part of it! I just enjoyed something uplifting during a time of trouble.

The second video just made me laugh and I didn't get any spiritual insight, but I did think of Jack.


Rachael said...

what a funny combination of videos! The kittens was nuts!! I loved it when she screamed. But the Sound of Music song and dance number was really cool!! What would that be like to see in real life? I love it when they pull off things like that. Hate to burst your bubble, but I've heard Julie Andrews isn't all happy sunshine in real life - too bad, huh?! I love Sound of Music anyway.

Derek said...

Yeah, in law school we read one of the decisions in a fairly nasty law suit Andrews waged against a throat surgeon she felt had ruined her singing voice. By all accounts, she is not kind. For what it's worth, I actually like Sound of Music (if you cut out all the singing). It's an incredible story of courage.

leah said...

Maybe it's a pregnant thing. I totally boohoo-ed watching the sound of music one and there is no reason! Loved the kittens, me and my hubs both laughed pretty good at that.

Unknown said...

Just to put it out there, if YOU had Julie Andrews voice and YOU felt your throat surgeon had botched it up wouldn't you feel like sueing etc? I certainly would. But I know I am no Maria Von Trapp.
These were fun!

donna said...

I want to be there the next time the singing and dancing start! How fun would that be?

How did you find that video?

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

I send the Sound of Music video to family and friends. It was a fun "feel good" video.

Roy & Annette said...

I don't think you should have mentioned crying because for some reason I cried (and laughed) during the Sound of Music number. Probably shouldn't have admitted that. Samara wants to watch the one about the kitty needing to go potty. Great laughs.

Amy and Craig said...

THAT'S FUNNY!!! (the kitten video primarily, but the dancing one is funny too).

w. leavitt said...

I bet you really bought that pine cone at the Thanksgiving Point Gift Shop for something like $55.

Laurie said...

The sound of music one reminds me of the Grand Central Station freeze. Look it up on youtube if you haven't seen it!