Maybe two years ago I got hooked on the Gilmore Girls. This was a pretty big deal considering the last series I followed was probably 'Full House.' The Gilmore Girls have since been some kind of sick addiction/therapy for me and recently I got the BEST christmas present a sister could ask for (but I promise I didn't-thanks AMY!). You guessed it--a box full of Gilmore Girls!!!
I have quickly begun my journey through the seasons of Gilmore Girls. Last time I completed the whole lot I had dreams about Lorelai and Rory. I missed them, I asked them in the dreams what they were doing. I wanted to know how Luke was...really I'm not kidding. Recently at Target I found the perfect pillow for Lorelai and I actually had to remind myself that I shouldn't buy it for her for Christmas. Maybe I can blame this all on Steve and his sick addiction to isolating DNA and being gone at least twelve hours a day.
For other junkies---what about Kirk? He is just like mystery man and then somewhere in the middle of the first season he is given a name and a sole character...any feedback on this mystery? Also, I would like to know which character I am and why? Please! Oh and I just have to say that the characters are absolutely amazing. I really can't imagine the show without Lane or Paris or Luke or any of them. They are all so necessary.
I feel better. I've been needing to chat about this for awhile...Oh and I couldn't find a great picture or video so I put a picture of some Gilmore Girls in Georgia.
Hee hee hee Hailey! I'm totally in your boat. Ruthann and Alyssa introduced me to GG in september. I have since watched all the seasons, except for the last season, which they don't have. I'm dying here not know how it ends. ARGH! But I can totally relate to the dreaming thing and obsession. As slightly as embarrassing as it may be they really do become your friends. I like Kirk, he's one of my favorites, not really sure why. Maybe it's the mystery. I think you're a Rory type. Really sweet, but can go at it when it really counts and super smart!
You know, I've never seen Gilmore Girls! I have tons of friends who are hooked. I'll have to give it a try. I wish we lived closer too. We could lock our kids in a room together and just let them battle to the death, while we sit in the other room and read with some hot chocolate. Now that sounds fun.
You are so funny I am really gonna miss you and all the lakeridge gals! BTW I feel ya on the Gilmore Girl addiction...seriously so hooked and being laid up with a broken knee only fueled my addiction (thanks Susan Redding :) I hope Santa leaves me a box set under the tree this year...although we should probably just stick a giant bow on our front door and call it good.
This is hilarious! I get hooked on things too and start dreaming about them on a regular basis. So what did they tell you in your dream that they've up to lately? :) Matt's brother Greg plays the tuba and is one of the episodes. He said it was fun but started to get tiring after awhile because the girl who plays Rory couldn't remember her lines!
I will admit I have watched all the Gilmore Girls episodes at least a few times. They are my favorite. You are so funny - but not alone!
hailey- you are so so funny.
I loved the show in Junior high (or early high school). My mom and I would sometimes watch it together. So much fun.
I still think it's crazy that dad and I used to watch it and he liked it! I need to see them again. Maybe this Christmas?
you're rory!
I've always wondered about Kirk too! And I just LOVE the town characters. I keep telling David I want to move to Stars Hollow. I actually am such a nerd that I joined an online book club dedicated to books Rory read. Some of them are so far above my level but hey, I'm that addicted.
Jodi- anytime baby!!
I love Gilmore Girls too, Hailey! I just bought the complete 1st season, I also have the last season. Now I just need to get everything in between. And I dream about them too. I always have dreams that I'm Rory.
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