Sunday, July 25, 2010

Merry Go Round and Growing Up

Last week I found a merry-go-round on one of my runs! I love merry-go-rounds! I mentioned this to Steve when we were dating and he surprised me once with a drive to Elberta, UT and the best merry-go-round. This is still one of my sweetest memories with Steve.

Well, the weather has been pure misery, but then this evening a cool tickle of a breeze came out. The kids and I walked to this new park and I introduced Jack to the merry-go-round. We took it nice and slow.

Enter: Michael. Our new, four-year-old friend. Michael wanted us to really experience the merry-go-round, but I encouraged him to keep things slow so that no one got queasy. Michael's mom was nearby listening and probably thinking I was too cautious.

Jack and Michael ran around to visit the teeter totter, swings, sand etc and then came back to the merry-go-round. Long story short. Jack gave Michael a ride that he'll never forget. It wasn't fast. Really! I was watching and right there. Michael did that nasty cough that any a mother will recognize with pain. Three times he puked right there on the merry-go-round with Jack horrified and my jaw dropping. Grapes. Oh man...I kept apologizing and hefty Mikey clambered down to the grass. His mom didn't seem too happy...

I feel like Anne Shirley after Diana gets herself drunk on Marilla's current wine! Oh good grief. Worst of all, I kept having fits of giggles on the way home and Jack wanted to know why. If Leisy were along she would have a picture of the vomit, but I couldn't do it. I did take a picture before the main event though.


Amy and Craig said...

Hey I just referenced Anne of Green Gables on my blog too!!! We must be related! I have an innate fear of those things because of the puking involved!

Rachael said...

holy cow! What a story. That is REALLY funny to me. And I love that picture of Griff. He looks so grown up. I'm getting really excited about October!

donna said...

That is a funny story, especially because it wasn't Jack puking (I really hate that word. It's as bad as the actual event!)

Why can't October be here already?

Lacee DeG said...

AWESOME!! Loved the "giggle fits" the whole way home. I DID NOT know there was a merry-go-round in Elberta...we are SO going there TODAY!!

Alan and Mindee said...

That is hilarious!

Scott and Sarah said...

That is SOOOOO great! Jack is really going to love that story as he grows up.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing right now! In part because of the refrence to Anne and the other part because I could totally hear Leisy laughing right then and there!

Crystal said...

Hahah! That is funny! I wonder if Michael will want to get on again after that. Looks like Jack and Griffin are having fun being out there!

LauraJ said...

That is REALLY funny!