We have been thinking of some names for baby boy number two.

Of course the name
Gilbert came to mind. Steve loves Anne of Green Gables.
Baxter really has been on my mind the whole pregnancy. It has been suggested as a cute dog name, though.
We are rather partial to Pirate Griffin. We're also hoping to use Derek as a middle name, but we don't know how to ask Derek. Any ideas?
youre so cute. I like the name griffin
Have Jack ask him. I think that would work.
p.s. I like the name Gilbert too and even the name Baxter, although it would be a cute dog name.
of course, pirate giffin is a good name too. Especially if he's born with a mustache!
"Look at the size of that HUUGE noggin. It's a virtual planetoid. I bet he cries himself to sleep on his HUUGE pilla."
Thanks to modern technology we know that baby number two is also endowed with a big brain.
I've always loved Gilbert...the name I mean.
All good names - I think I like Griffin best, with or without the Pirate. It has a nice ring to it, though, and Jack certainly needs a shipmate, doesn't he?
And I think you're cleared to use Derek as a middle name, as far as we're concerned! :)
Griffin is an awesome name. It's on file for us too. :)
I think Derek would make a great first name, too....NIck had your Derek in mind when we planned on our boys name, you can pass along the adoration, if you'd like. Nick always looked up to Derek, plus the name is solid.
And two is great. So is three. actually anything pass those first three months is a breeze. I mean, not really, but I think for me by the time I get pass the hormones and fatigue and adjustments and trauma of those first few months, anything looks easy .
So have fun and don't worry.
Besides, boys rock, which you know.
I think I like Gilbert better. But if you're pregnancy is like my last one...you're just getting started. We had so many names and I'm still not completely sure we picked the right one.
i vote for dexter. and you can call him dex.
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