#1: If perfume is too expensive, but you crave the name brand buy glade air freshener sprays and mist yourself carefully. (Actually saving up to $50)
#2: If your child or husband would like expensive toys, give them pine cones or fresh lichen specimens. ($25)
#3: If holiday goodies (like the Easter Bunny) seem like just another expense--remember THEY ARE! Say to yourself, "I'm not less of a person because I refuse to buy enormous amounts of candy and toys specifically marketed for Easter." Then repackage the delicious candy that your mother sent and *poof* you have candy for your family! Oh and never eat both Dove bunnies and assume no one will notice. ($20.20)

#5: Do all things that are worthwhile and free! Visit the library, free museums, Cabelas (for the animals), pet stores, parks, walk around the mall and throw pennies in the water, free cookies for kids at grocery stores etc. ($Lots)

Yeah to being poor! You discover all sorts of fun things.
Good advice about not eating both Dove bunnies. Wonder how you thought of that? :)
So many ways to save. I'm going to have to try some myself.
Great ideas!! I love the air freshener perfume in particular. And we are HUGE fans of free cookies at Safeway. My kids beg to go there now because of them! Where would we be without free entertainment?
And did really eat both dove bunnies or did you just hear about Derek eating both of ours?! It was classic. But I got a great big Dove with almonds out of the mishap. :)
Love the ideas! I must say though, I get around the perfume by walking into Dillards at the mall and asking the perfume department if they have little samples. They have always given me two or three different scents which smell great, are name brand, last at least 3 months if you're like me, and best of all...FREE!!!
I hear ya! I can also proudly say I didn't purchase any "Easter" products. It was ok, because Emerson had plenty of fun playing with an empty plastic egg he stole from another child.
I have to say that I don't actually use Glade as body spray, but I left it dangerously close to my hairspray and there have been some close calls.
Those are all very creative and useful money saving tips. We especially like to go to Costco a few times a week.....free food samples! And we will maybe buy something every third trip there.
hooray for being poor. let's just hope it isn't like this forever, huh?
i'm scared. you don't really spray yourself with glade do you? and I have to second the importance of NOT using burlington (or joann fabric's) bathrooms. Icky, icky worse than a third world country. we still have our dove bunnies if you want them! :>
Hahahahaha! I LOVE what you said about the Burlington bathroom. I have seen it, and it COULD kill you!!!
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