I was cast as Wendy (thank you Jack) and then Griffin got the role as the crocodile. Jack was quick to claim Captain Hook and then there was Steve...Let me say there were several characters Steve would have preferred, but he did finally accept his call to be Peter. He gave Peter his own Steve-style. He made his own hat (that is only slightly rivaled by the Tin Man hat that he made last year).
PS Don't ask about my hair...doing hair is for girls, apparently I'm not one.
You guys are adorable! I love your Peter Pan costumes. Steve's hat looks great.
fabulous family theme!!! I am in awe that steve submits for halloween of all things- an over commercialized paganistic holiday. It seems so anti-steve. way to be peter pan, steve. you look great. I do love the stache on cpt. hook the best, though.
Wow, you did so great with the costumes. I love you are all in the same theme. And your looked cute, you are a girl!
ha ha I love it!
oh my griffin is cute. i want to fly over there and squish and squeeze him.
So fun to see your costumes! I love Jack's wig. Maybe I'll have to have Steve encourage Roy to dress up next year.
You guys looks so cute!! I love that Jack picked out who every one was going to be!!!
Another fabulous success! You do look cute, Hailey! And Jack makes a very scary Captain Hook! I think Steve is a pretty darn good Peter Pan, but Griffin is really more Puff than Hook hungry crocodile. He's pretty cute though.
Good, good job you guys!
You guys were so cute all dressed up! I love it when the whole family dresses according to one theme. And you're hair looked great!
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