When isn't Daddy away? Tonight Jack prayed that Heavenly Father could make the days go faster until Halloween because it's been such a long time. I think I'll pray that the days go faster until Daddy graduates and we see him before 9pm. Yet, I do have quite the big brother helper. Oh let me enlighten you with the ways Jack helps...."No Grif-fay...not the stairs," he exudes as he throws himself as a child sacrifice to the stairs..... "NO Grif-fay, don't EAT the flowers, Grif-fay," as he snaps Griff's mouth open and yoinks out the insides....."No Grif-fay it's my bath..ALONE." I can't say I don't enjoy some of the escapades. I hope you do too. PS I didn't like 'No, David' when I first read it. I like it now.
Oops! I checked the "owie" and it was actually bleeding. He got a band-aid.
Super cute. It did remind me of No David, but way better. I love that Jack is watching out for his baby brother, that's adorable.
Oh my word. This is my life exactly, this week. Josh sacrificing himself on the stairs for Izzy, removing whatever inedible object she has in her mouth at the moment, wishing his bath time really was a private affair -- even down to an absent daddy this week, as David's in NYC. Man, do I wish we lived closer. Then at least I'd have you to commiserate and laugh with when the hubby's not around...oh, who are we kidding...when the hubby's around too. It'd be nice to have you around all the time to commiserate and laugh with. I miss you my friend! :-) Your boys are beautiful and hilarious (although I'm sure not all the time). Thinking about you a lot. Talk to you soon hopefully.
atleast it was almost bed time! Jack must be related to Katie. She ALWAYS finds BLOOOOOD and needs a bandaid. I need to take a video of her talking about her BLOOODD. she says it so funny! Medicine and bandaids every night.
oh, isn't it funny how owies aren't such a big deal anymore? A little blood never hurt anyone, right? Good attitude during a hard time!!
Oh, man, that took me back! I'm praying extra hard for you tonight. I guess you got the 'mean bandaid mom' genes from me. My motto was "show me the blood!" or sometimes, this was usually said a lot louder, "there better be blood!"
Sounds like he came through for you in the end and proudly wore his bandaid. This was one area you were my favorite in. You didn't like the feel of bandaids and even when you needed one you didn't leave it on long.
Good luck sweetheart, things will get better! (but it was kind of funny wasn't it!) :)
Why can I not ever view your videos anymore?! It always says it's not available for viewing right now. Let me in on the secret since I don't know. And I'm so glad Jack is looking out for little brother. I think it's adorable.
I actually love the No David books. It's kind of humbling to watch Baylie talk to Jalen because it's so reflective of how I talk to her.
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